PSYC RBA is a definite pleaser and should go down as a certified banger.
As this is my first dive into the realm of the billet box, this is my very first purchase of an RBA for the borro tank (I'm not new to vaping though). There is so much choice on the market but I like to believe that things get better with time, trial and error. The only reference I found before purchasing was a video on YouTube as it is so new and it was enough to convince me that it's worth a try even though it is a bit on the pricey side compared to other options . After over a week of constant use and being quite a heavy vaper I believe I have put it through it's paces. The RBA can be a bit fineky and requires a pretty much perfect wicking (not hard) to prevent it from leaking but being a bit of a perfectionist I really don't mind taking a little extra time to ensure the wicking is spot on before juicing it up. I have it set up as a RDL unit and it has performed beautifully producing great clouds and not compromising on flavour. Although the ideal and probably most recommended coil size would be 2.5mm it also comfortably fits 3.0mm. Very happy to recommend this RBA for your vaping joy.